Awards are wonderful. I've been nominated many times and I've won many awards. But my journey is not towards that. If it happens it will be a blast. If it doesn't, it's still been a blast....Tom Cruise
Yang jelas, pas dapat penghargaan dari Aneka Yess! as one of the sparkling models, gua merasa tersanjung. Dan pastinya award ini jadi awal untuk terus maju. Terdengar cliche ya,'s true! I will do for my dreaming. Okeeeee....go for it Denny
I'll always support u whatever u do..caiyo'..^_^ I'm sure u can be one of the success model..just keep dreaming bcoz dreaming is always can be the motivation for all situation, still working and also always try to improve yourself to be a better or maybe the best figure and person in your family, all friends and also in your life..
ih kamu narsis bgt.....^_^
BalasHapusI'll always support u whatever u do..caiyo'..^_^ I'm sure u can be one of the success model..just keep dreaming bcoz dreaming is always can be the motivation for all situation, still working and also always try to improve yourself to be a better or maybe the best figure and person in your family, all friends and also in your life..
Keep it up darl'..S.E.M.A.N.G.A.T !!!!!
thanks for the supporting..:)
BalasHapusSukses Weller, semangaaat.... visit Jogja Ready